Define Contract
Contract-first development is a design pattern where you define the API contract before writing any implementation code. This methodology promotes a well-structured codebase that adheres to best practices and facilitates easier maintenance and evolution over time.
In oRPC, a contract specifies the rules and expectations for a procedure. It details the input, output, errors,... types and can include constraints or validations to ensure that both client and server share a clear, consistent interface.
npm install @orpc/contract@latest
yarn add @orpc/contract@latest
pnpm add @orpc/contract@latest
bun add @orpc/contract@latest
deno install npm:@orpc/contract@latest
Procedure Contract
A procedure contract in oRPC is similar to a standard procedure definition, but with extraneous APIs removed to better support contract-first development.
import { oc } from '@orpc/contract'
export const exampleContract = oc
name: z.string(),
age: z.number().int().min(0),
id: z.number().int().min(0),
name: z.string(),
age: z.number().int().min(0),
Contract Router
Similar to the standard router in oRPC, the contract router organizes your defined contracts into a structured hierarchy. The contract router is streamlined by removing APIs that are not essential for contract-first development.
export const routerContract = {
example: exampleContract,
nested: {
example: exampleContract,
Full Example
Below is a complete example demonstrating how to define a contract for a simple "Planet" service. This example extracted from our Getting Started guide.
export const PlanetSchema = z.object({
id: z.number().int().min(1),
name: z.string(),
description: z.string().optional(),
export const listPlanetContract = oc
limit: z.number().int().min(1).max(100).optional(),
cursor: z.number().int().min(0).default(0),
export const findPlanetContract = oc
.input(PlanetSchema.pick({ id: true }))
export const createPlanetContract = oc
.input(PlanetSchema.omit({ id: true }))
export const contract = {
planet: {
list: listPlanetContract,
find: findPlanetContract,
create: createPlanetContract,
Infer Contract Router Input
import type { InferContractRouterInputs } from '@orpc/contract'
export type Inputs = InferContractRouterInputs<typeof contract>
type FindPlanetInput = Inputs['planet']['find']
This snippet automatically extracts the expected input types for each procedure in the router.
Infer Contract Router Output
import type { InferContractRouterOutputs } from '@orpc/contract'
export type Outputs = InferContractRouterOutputs<typeof contract>
type FindPlanetOutput = Outputs['planet']['find']
Similarly, this utility infers the output types, ensuring that your application correctly handles the results from each procedure.